Sunday, April 3, 2011


I wanted to hate Twitter, I really did. (Okay, I didn't actually want to hate it, I just thought I would.) But I definitely didn't expect to like it. How quickly I was won over. Though I hate that the format encourages abbreviations (I will never use "2" for "to" or cut words short) and bad/no punctuation, the 140 character limit is an interesting challenge-- almost like a game. I also really like Hootsuite-- it makes it much easier to follow, and, somehow, is just easier on the eye than Twitter's site or TweetDeck (which I did not care for). As I said in my (I still can't bring myself to use the word "tweet" seriously), my feed consisted mainly of librarians and comedians. It was a nice mix, and I will continue to keep up with Twitter after this class. This also prompted me to finally make use of the Twitter that, ages ago, I secured for my Daily Shill blog project. Though I only have 2 followers of @dailyshill , I still think it'll be a good way to get out the word about the blog. Oh, and let's talk about class last week! I enjoyed listening to Paul Courant talk about the various challenges and dramas associated with digital libraries-- how timely! I also appreciate the time we had to talk in groups about embedded librarians (plus, I got to talk with Susan about my much-loved elementary school librarian, which was great!) As much as I love my blog group (really, you all are super), it would be nice to hear some other points of view, particularly when we're discussing the same things we write about in our blog. Perhaps for future group chats, we could mix it up more?


  1. I'm in the same boat as you. I wanted to hate Twitter, and I kind of got sucked in. However, I still don't really love it. I'm sure I'll get used to it, because I have so many people who are trying to convince me to like it. However, I'm still staying with Facebook at this time, just because I find it easier. I think this is because it's just what I've been using for the last 4 years, so I'm more comfortable with it. I'm sure once I figure my way around Twitter, I will indeed like it more.

  2. Yes. Remind me if I suggest your blogging cohort for another in-class gropu discussion!

  3. I'm following you on Twitter now! and you're up to 5 followers! :)

  4. I hate the abbreviations too!

    I 'll have to try Hootsuite and see if that helps at all. Right now I am still on the anti-Twitter side, but a little closer to the middle than before. Maybe it will be what I need to cross over to the pro side.

  5. Amen on the abbreviations; I have a hard time taking someone seriously if they tweet a sentence like, "I M so excited 4 upcoming conference; R U, 2?"
